Blockade Australia disrupt Melbourne and Brisbane coal ports

2 ports blocked. Darsh and Munro have disrupted Australia’s economic functioning, because this system of ‘infinite growth’ is killing our world. Extraction and exploitation began with colonisation. It ends with us.

BLOCKADE AUSTRALIA IS BACK AGAIN: climate activist Munro Monroe (26) is currently blocking Webb Dock Rd, in front of the Port of Melbourne gates, attached to a monopole stopping the operations of the largest port on the continent.

For the second day in a row, across the continent, Blockade Australia have simultaneously blocked operations of ports along the east coast.

Their banner reads: “The system isn’t broken. The system needs breaking.”

Munro said: “This port is directly contributing to the climate and ecological collapse.”

We’re in dire circumstances and I’m willing to put myself on the line to try to bring Australia’s climate destruction to an end.”

“When you realise the truth, that we are in such a desperate situation, then you need to come to grips with it and do something about it”

“The only real change can come through the power of people”

The Port of Melbourne is the biggest port in Australia, and the fourth largest container port in the Southern Hemisphere. The operations of Australia are destructive all over this continent, but all the wealth they extract flows through supply chains which we can materially distrupt. Ports like these are bottlenecks in these supply chains, places where one individually, organising collectively, can cause a massive disruption to a corrupt and exploitative system.

A Blockade Australia spokesperson said;

“Blockade Australia is an organised response to Australia’s active role in causing the climate and ecological crisis.”

The Blockade Australia network has organised periods of sustained disruption in the Newcastle Coal Port in 2021, the Port of Botany in 2022, and the Sydney CBD in 2022. This move is the latest in a long campaign to disrupt economic bottlenecks in the Australian system in order to stop Australia’s climate destruction.

Australia’s Profits Cause – Floods, Fire and Famine

Once again the Port of Brisbane has been blocked by activist network Blockade Australia on Quandamooka country. The action marks the second time Blockade Australia has shut down the port in as many days.

Darsh Rasborsek has blocked two lanes leading into the port, suspended from a tripod structure. This act of resistance is a reminder that the operation of Australia refuses to act on the climate crisis, and continues to be a driving cause of climate collapse by extracting and moving exploited resources around the world through ports.

“The current economic and political structures here are incapable of making the kind of change needed to ensure a safe future. We have had decades of science warning us, but the evidence is right in front of us – floods, fires, droughts, heatwaves… despite everything, global emissions continue to rise,” says Darsh.

“As well as degrading the natural world, this system sets people against each other and creates artificial scarcity. The cost of living and housing crises are examples of this. By this action, I am working to create a safe future for my children and my grandchildren, and all the children born into this world.I stand for a community that cares for each other.”

While the climate crisis progresses toward an increasingly unstable situation, already harming the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems, Australia continues the political and economic operation of exporting such disaster around the globe. Blockade Australia disrupts those systems, highlighting the power of everyday people to seek and create a future worth hoping for. 

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