About Us

Backlash is a digital community for Indigenous, ecological and anti-fascist resistance within the territory occupied by the Australian state. Our mission is to provide a platform to promote revolutionary theory and action.

What We Do

We publish original content alongside anonymous submissions

Information is drawn from published sources, both independent and corporate media; corrections are welcomed.

We also put an emphasis on encouraging groups and activists to publicise and theorise their actions on this site, through the form of posts, interviews and analysis.

What We Do not Do

As a media platform, Backlash does not take responsibility for planning or coordinating protests or actions. Instead, we focus on highlighting and amplifying the efforts of those who are already organizing such events in their local communities.

We do not advocate or promote violence or non-violence as a means of achieving goals. We hold great respect for the efforts of local organisers and their understanding of the circumstances they encounter.

Who is Backlash Blogs?

Backlash, is a slogan for anonymous direct action. It is not a group with membership, but a mouthpiece to amplify incidents that shatter, however briefly, the myth of consensus & social peace. Anyone could be Backlash. — it could be your next-door neighbor or the person sitting behind you on the train. You and your friends already form an affinity group, the structure best suited for militant direct action.

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