No Christmas in Palestine Justice for Palestine Meanjin protest at the lighting of the Queensland Parliament Christmas tree

Pro-Palestine protesters have crashed the Queensland Parliament Christmas tree, chanting “shame” as Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Opposition Leader David Crisafulli lit the tree.
Speaker Curtis Pitt spoke to the gathered politicians and staffers in the front of the parliament before Ms Palaszczuk and Mr Crisafulli hit the button to light the tree.

On cue, a lone protester started shouting “shame” before a crowd appeared from around the corner. “All I want for Christmas is a ceasefire,” they chanted
“While you celebrate – you scurry inside … ceasefire now, stop the occupation.”
MPs including the Premier, ministers and Mr Crisafulli moved inside to the Speaker’s Green.
The protest was organised by Justice for Palestine Meanjin and the Solidarity and Resistance Collective.

Sharing videos of the demonstration organisers said they “stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, some reports state that over 20,000 have been killed in Gaza and over 1.7 million displaced.” “Christmas is cancelled in Bethlehem, how can the Queensland government celebrate during a genocide?”

‘We are taking this action because the Labor Government in Queensland has followed its federal counterpart in refusing to condemn Israeli’s war crimes and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, or demand an enduring ceasefire,’ protest spokesperson Jeff Rickertt said.

JFP’s protest is intended to remind the Labor Party that since Israel began its attacks on civilians in Gaza, over 15,000 people have been killed, including at least 6,150 children. Approximately 6,800 people are missing. Over half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed or damaged. During the same period, Israeli forces have murdered 242 Palestinians in the West Bank, 57 of them children.

‘Whatever your faith, Christmas is normally a time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, but this year there will be no celebrations for millions of civilians in Palestine,’ Mr Rickertt said.

JFP noted that this year, for the first time in modern history, Christian leaders in Bethlehem have cancelled Christmas events. Celebrating while millions suffer and grieve in Gaza is not appropriate, they said.

‘As a party in government, the Australian Labor Party has a special obligation to defend human rights and speak up for the powerless. Instead, it has chosen to side with Israel, one of the most militarily powerful nations on earth, while it commits war crimes, steals Palestinian land and practises apartheid. This is totally unacceptable,’ Mr Rickertt stated.

Mr Rickertt pointed out that Australian Government support for Israel goes beyond diplomatic
rhetoric. The Government allows military technology to be transferred from Australia to the Israeli Defence Force, and provides military intelligence to Israel through the Pine Gap facility at Alice Springs. This support directly assists the Israeli war machine in Gaza.
Justice for Palestine Meanjin is calling for a total military embargo on Israel.
‘Australia and the Australian Labor Party should not be in the business of aiding and abetting war criminals,’ Mr Rickertt said.

‘We want the Queensland Labor Government to stop our State from being used for the
manufacturer and export of military-purpose goods to Israel.’

‘While Labor politicians socialise with their Liberal National Party colleagues in the grounds of
Parliament House, we will be there to tell them they have blood on their hands. Genocide is no reason for a celebration. Labor should be telling Israel – stop the killings, end the occupation.’

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