Protesters invade Bisalloy Unanderra office over Israel armour sales

Protesters took over steel fabricator Bisalloy’s office in Unanderra for a short time last Friday, with more than 20 people chanting “Shame, shame Bisalloy” from about 3pm.

Group member Bess McDonald said they were demanding an end to Illawarra steel being used in weaponry used to kill Palestinians.

Three of the protesters occupied the main office before police arrived and ordered the group to move on.

Police said a 44-year-old man was arrested for assault and taken to the Lake Illawarra police station. Protesters said he was Jewish.

An estimated 17,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Gaza during Israel’s response to the events of October 7, when Hamas gunmen killed 1200 civilians in Israel, mostly civilians.

The protesters said Bisalloy’s armour steel – high-strength performance steel fabricated in Unanderra – was sold to multiple arms manufacturers in Israel which used it to make tanks.

On Friday the Mercury spoke to a protest leader who was at the scene.

“Three of us were in the office and the rest were in the foyer,” protester Joy McDonald told the Mercury.

“We had some letters to distribute to the workers to inform them about what their company is involved with.

Ms McDonald said the riot police were heavy-handed and a pregnant woman was pushed roughly.

“The police were called and … a move-on order was given. It was quite difficult to hear as there was lots of shouting. The police were quite violent, pushing protesters including one pregnant woman and one child.

Statement from Wollongong Against War and Nukes:

Bisalloy is deeply complicit with Israeli Military Forces and the genocidal war on Palestine:

2017 Bisalloy announces partnership with Rafael Advanced Defence Systems

2018: Bisalloy announces it has been “appointed to Rafael’s global supply chain”

2021: Bisalloy announces “significant order” from Rheinmettal for “armour steel”. Rheinmettal has links to BAE and Elbit. The steel was specifically for Boxer CRVs (tanks).

2023: Bisalloy partners with Plasan (Kibbutz Sasa) a plastics manufacturer based in the depopulated Palestinian village of Sasa’a.

We call for an immediate cease fire and a free Palestine. We are calling on Bisalloy to end all contracts with the Israeli Military. Until that happens, Bisalloy will continue to be protested in the struggle for a free Palestine

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